WordPress Website Development Course

Instructor Name: Waqas Ali                                  Institute Name: TLS – Technical Institute
Credit hours:  60 total credit hours


What Students Will Learn

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Create and set up their own WordPress website.
  2. Customize website design using themes and page builders.
  3. Add and manage content such as posts, pages, and images.
  4. Install plugins to enhance website functionality.
  5. Optimize their site for search engines and improve security.

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction to WordPress

  • Day 1: Overview of WordPress and its features
  • Day 2: Setting up a WordPress site (Hosting, Domain, Installation)
  • Day 3: Understanding the WordPress Dashboard
  • Day 4: Customizing Your Site: Themes and Plugins
  • Day 5: Creating and Managing Content (Posts, Pages, Media)

Week 2: Designing Your WordPress Site

  • Day 1: Introduction to WordPress Themes
  • Day 2: Installing and Customizing Themes
  • Day 3: Creating Custom Menus and Widgets
  • Day 4: Building Custom Pages with Page Builders
  • Day 5: Introduction to CSS for WordPress

Week 3: Advanced WordPress Features

  • Day 1: Working with Plugins to Extend Functionality
  • Day 2: SEO Best Practices for WordPress
  • Day 3: Securing Your WordPress Site
  • Day 4: Backup and Restore Procedures
  • Day 5: Integrating Social Media and Analytics

Week 4: Managing and Optimizing Your WordPress Site

  • Day 1: Managing Multiple Users and Roles
  • Day 2: Optimizing Site Performance
  • Day 3: Handling Comments and Spam Protection
  • Day 4: E-Commerce with WordPress (WooCommerce)
  • Day 5: Final Project Presentation and Q&A