National and International observances will be commemorated through theme-based morning assemblies and co-curricular activities periods. These activities will be seamlessly integrated with the contents of textbooks , serving as tangible manifestations of students learning experiences.




International Women`s Day

8th March 2024

Morning Assembly

International Forests Day/ Plantation Day

21st March 2024

Plantation Activity

World Water Day

22nd March 2024

Water Conservation Awareness Campaign

Pakistan Resolution Day

23rd March 2024

Inter House Quiz Contest

International Day of zero Waste

30th March 2024

Reduce- Reuse and Recycle Projects

World Innovation & Creativity Day

21st April 2024

Collaborative Projects, Innovation fair & Space Activities

International Earth Day

22nd April 2024

Planting trees & Organizing a tree planting events

World Day of Cultural Diversity

21st May 2024

Cultural Awareness & Dress Show

Pakistan Independence Day

14th August 2024

Cultural Performance, Essay or Speech Competition, Food Festival, Art & Craft workshop

Defence Day

6th September 2024

Special Assembly, Speeches, Presentations & Patriotic Songs

International Literacy Day

8th September 2024

A Literary-themed Costume contest

International Day of Peace

21st September 2024

Organized a peace-themed Assembly & Project where peace posters or murals can be created by students

International Day of Awareness of food loss & waste

29th September 2024

Interactive Games & Quizzes, Healthy cooking competition

World Space Week

4th to 10th October 2024

Space Trivia Contest, Start party Dress up Day

World Teachers Day

5th October 2024

Morning Assembly

Mental Health Day

10th October 2024

Activities to promote mental health & Nutrition workshop

Iqbal Day

9th November 2024

Morning Assembly to Celebrate the day

International Week of Science

9th to 15th November 2024

To organize science fair & Science Experiments

International Day of Tolerance

16th November 2024

To arrange an Activities to enhance tolerance among students

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

3rd December 2024

Morning Assembly

Quaid Day

25th December 2024

Morning Assembly, Flag making, Essay Writing, Quiz & Competition

International Day of Education

24th January 2025

Speech Competition, Morning Assembly

Kashmir Solidarity Day

5th February 2025

Special Morning Assembly

World Interfaith Harmony Week

1st to 7th February 2025

Community Service Project, Art & Music

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

11th February 2025

Mentorship Program, Poster Contest & Panel Discussion